If you wish to see a particular staff member you should call ahead (2583277 or 4513706). You may also make an appointment by emailing Ramla Wahab-Salman at ramlaw.ails@gmail.com
The American Institute for Lankan Studies (AILS), a non-profit company registered as limited by guarantee under the Companies Act No. 17 of 1982 of Sri Lanka, serves as the Colombo center for AISLS. It provides a wide range of services to Americans working in the humanities and social sciences. The center offers a reference library of about 1,500 books and a selection of journals, offprints, conference proceedings, and electronic resources, including JSTOR. The library is open to both local and American readers and its book holdings are available in an up-to-date online catalogue. AILS staff members can provide assistance in using the book collection and in accessing JSTOR. Depending the topic, AILS staff may also be able to offer more substantive research advice. Researchers may also wish to consult our Guide to Research Libraries in Sri Lanka and our Guide to Digital Libraries on Sri Lanka.
Staff at the Colombo center also carry out activities that fall under two core programme areas. First, they support digitization and/or preservation of important research resources, including endangered historical and contemporary material. These materials are made available on open access, and are freely available in both the United States and Sri Lanka. Second, in partnership with both Sri Lankan and U.S. academics and universities, AILS supports the nurturing of long-term intellectual agendas in selected fields (currently historiography and art history). In addition, the center sponsors occasional invitational workshops and public lectures. These meetings promote the exchange of ideas among academics, researchers, and others from Sri Lanka, the United States and third countries.
The center is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and is closed on Sri Lankan holidays. It is located at 10 Fonseka Terrace, Colombo 6. The telephone numbers are 94-011-2583277 and 94-011-4513706. The general email address is aisls@sltnet.lk.