
Dr. N. M. Perera Centre

106, Dr. N M Perera Mawatha (Cotta Road), Colombo 08.
269189, 0716185065
Open Monday-Friday, 9.00am-4.00pm.

The library was originally the personal library of Dr. N. M. Perera (1905-1979). After his death, his house was converted to a centre to support the activities of the left movement in Sri Lanka.

The original library has grown through donations and legacy gifts by its members and Dr. Perera’s colleagues, including the collection of Prof. Tissa Witharana. It covers a wide range of topics, with particular strengths in communism, Trotskyism, Marxism, political revolutions, economics, political science and Sri Lankan politics. Other holdings include the Hansard until the late 1960s and rare books and documents on the left movement in Sri Lanka, including N.M. Perera’s own PhD thesis. It also holds party manifestos of the LSSP and other Sri Lankan political parties, journals, conference papers, personal photo albums, pamphlets, posters, copies of prominent speeches and lectures, and a photograph collection of LSSP’s activities and key figures.

The library is regularly updated with new material published for party meetings and lectures that take place at the centre.

  • Reference only.
  • No fee.
  • No letter needed.
  • On site electronic catalogue.
  • No wireless internet.
  • Photocopying service available.

Collection strengths: Politics, Labour, Social Sciences