


AISLS offers two types of major grants.  Our fellowship program supports two to six months of research in Sri Lanka by US citizens who already hold a PhD or equivalent qualification.  Our dissertation planning grant program supports a six to eight week pre-dissertation visit to Sri Lanka by graduate students enrolled at US universities.  Recipients may use their awards to investigate the feasibility of their topic, to sharpen their research design, or to make other practical arrangements for future research.  The annual deadline for both programs is December 1st.

Applicants to the Council of Overseas American Research Centers (CAORC) Multi-Country Research Fellowship program may include time in Sri Lanka as part of their proposal.  This competition, which is restricted to US citizens, is open to doctoral candidates and to scholars who have already earned their PhD and who wish to conduct research of regional or trans-regional significance in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences.

AISLS also offers smaller grants for language instruction in Sri Lanka, to support graduate student participation at the Annual Conference on South Asia, and to support participation in the annual American Institute of Indian Studies dissertation-to-book workshop.