AISLS Language Instruction Grants support students and scholars who wish to acquire or improve language skills in Sinhala, Tamil, or Pail. Most awards will be for language instruction in Sri Lanka, but application for virtual instruction with a tutor resident in Sri Lanka is also eligible. The AISLS Colombo center will supply grantees with advice about language programs and tutors. The program is supported with funds provided by the US Department of Education.
These awards will not normally be given to individuals who are in Sri Lanka with the support of any research award (AISLS or non-AISLS) that provides funds that can be used to cover expenses for language instruction. However, AISLS staff can help such individuals find appropriate instruction.
This program cannot cover translation costs, but it can cover instruction that takes the form of working with a tutor to translate texts or other materials.
Applicants must fall into one of the following categories: 1) individual members of AISLS resident in the US who hold a PhD or equivalent qualification, 2) individual members of AISLS who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of graduate study at a US university, 3) faculty members at AISLS member institutions, 4) graduate students at AISLS member institutions who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of their program of study or 5) individual members of AISLS who are US citizens who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of graduate study at a non-US university.
Previous recipients of AISLS language instruction awards are eligible.
To apply, please submit to John Rogers [us.director.aisls AT] a short curriculum vitae, a one page statement that includes a description of the proposed instruction and how it supports your long-range research plans, a proposed timetable, and a budget. The maximum award will normally be $400, but grantees may apply for a second grant after completion of a first grant, as it is possible extra funds may become available. Proposals will be considered on an ongoing basis.