University of Peradeniya Digital Library

University of Peradeniya Digital Library
This digital library provides full text of important University of Peradeniya journals: Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies (1958–67), Ceylon Journal of the Humanities (1970–74),(1971–78), Modern Ceylon Studies (1970–76), Modern Sri Lanka Studies (1986–88, 1997–2007),  University of Ceylon Review (1943–67), and the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities (1975–2012); subsequent issues of the SLJH can be found at Sri Lanka Journals Online.

The University of Peradeniya Digital Library also contains full articles or titles and abstracts from other publications, including scientific and medical journals published in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. It also includes title pages and abstracts for masters and doctoral theses completed at the University of Peradeniya, as well as titles and abstracts for papers presented during research conferences there.